Pet Chicken "Larcia"!!

It's a story on a little special chicken
a female gamecock "Larcia".

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Not Only Erect HairEEE

Have you noticed it when I was sunbathing? I ruffle up my feathers and hair. I often do it.
Not only raising. You see my hair devided into two, don't you?
I can move my hair like this, you know.

And This Hair Style, TooI

Look! Look at me! The left picture shows that my front half of the hair is standing, doesn' it?
Just like a young nice guy, or a girl? A bit precocious, ain't I?
The right one shows only my left hair is standing. I can move the hair rather unconsciously.

A Beauty Parlor UnnecessaryI

I can make a steeple-crowned cap hair style. It's so cool, isn't it?
The upshort is that I'm moving all my body while sunbathing.
If human beings could also move their hair like me, no need for a beauty parlor. Don't you think so?
Oh, I remember an interesting clip. Look at thisI


sFeathers of Chickenst
Chickens or birds have not only typical feathers but also hackles just like hairs on and around the head, and soft plumes covering the whole body.

At the time of sunbathing, chickens erect all the feathers, kackles and plumes and can move them freely.

It is for taking in the fresh air everywhere, and exposing the whole body to the sunshine. It would be nice if we could move hair like this, wouldn't it?